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 ### GUIDE ### [Synopsis] [Episode List] [Previous] [Next]

Contents: Overview - Backplot - Questions - Analysis - Notes - JMS


A sharp increase in raider activity has the station on the defensive. Londo obtains a priceless Centauri artifact. A mysterious stranger visits the station's alien ambassadors. Gerrit Graham as Lord Kiro. Fredi Olster as Lady Ladira. Ed Wasser as Morden.
(Originally titled "Raiding Party")
Sub-genre: Action/intrigue
P5 rating: 9.01

Production number: 116
Original air date: May 18, 1994
DVD release date: November 5, 2002

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by Janet Greek


Unanswered Questions



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Last update: May 27, 2024