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 ### GUIDE ### [Synopsis] [Episode List] [Previous] [Next]

Contents: Overview - Backplot - Questions - Analysis - Notes - JMS


Franklin and Marcus try to convince the leaders of the resistance to go along with Sheridan's plan to unseat Clark. Delenn investigates a series of attacks on Minbari allies. Minbar begins to slide toward civil war. Marjorie Monaghan as Number One. Paolo Seganti as Phillipe. G.W. Stevens as Forell.
P5 Rating: 8.30

Production number: 411
Original air week: April 28, 1997
DVD release date: January 6, 2004

Written by J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by John Flinn III

An episodic soundtrack is available.

Plot Points

Unanswered Questions



jms speaks

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Last update: May 27, 2024