Babylon 5 pictures: Characters

ambass - Promotional still of Londo, G'Kar, Kosh, and Delenn (GIF, 132460 bytes)

b5card1 - Commander Jeffrey Sinclair (GIF, 68338 bytes)

b5card10 - League of Non-Aligned Worlds (GIF, 73216 bytes)

b5card2 - Lieutenant-Commander Susan Ivanova (GIF, 72894 bytes)

b5card3 - Security Chief Michael Garibaldi (GIF, 67445 bytes)

b5card4 - Talia Winters (GIF, 64975 bytes)

b5card5 - Dr. Stephen Franklin (GIF, 71054 bytes)

b5card6 - Minbari Ambassador Delenn (GIF, 69120 bytes)

b5card7 - Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari (GIF, 72960 bytes)

b5card8 - Narn Regime Ambassador G'Kar (GIF, 73088 bytes)

b5card9 - Vorlon Ambassador Kosh Naranek (GIF, 66048 bytes)

b5cast2 - Grayscale promotional still of the main cast (GIF, 319432 bytes)

b5castbw - Another promotional still of cast (GIF, 362112 bytes)

bar - Garibaldi and Londo in the bar (JPEG, 13268 bytes)

bornpurp - Londo, Vir, and Adira, from "Born to the Purple" (JPEG, 85273 bytes)

bruceb - Bruce Boxleitner as Captain Sheridan (JPEG, 72434 bytes)

callenn - Callenn, the Minbari religious leader, from "Atonement" (JPEG, 109309 bytes)

cascor - Cascor delegate to the League of Non-Aligned Worlds (JPEG, 103565 bytes)

catherine - Catherine Sakai, Sinclair's significant other (GIF, 28759 bytes)

cd_ivona - Unofficial trading card: Commander Ivanova (season two) (JPEG, 33547 bytes)

cd_keffe - (JPEG, 38221 bytes)

cd_lenn - Unofficial trading card: Lennier (JPEG, 37213 bytes)

cd_vir - Unofficial trading card: Vir Cotto (JPEG, 34911 bytes)

clark - Earth Alliance Vice-President Morgan Clark (JPEG, 15141 bytes)

claudiac - (JPEG, 79675 bytes)

delenn - Minbari Ambassador Delenn (JPEG, 20395 bytes)

delenn3 - Ambassador Delenn (JPEG, 252703 bytes)

delnlenn - Delenn and Lennier, season 2 (SPOILER) (GIF, 81203 bytes)

delnsncl - Delenn and Sinclair in Sinclair's office (JPEG, 137637 bytes)

franklin - Dr. Stephen Franklin (GIF, 46280 bytes)

frnksher - Dr. Franklin and Captain Sheridan (GIF, 49825 bytes)

fullcast - The full season-two cast (minus aides) (SPOILER) (GIF, 63246 bytes)

garibald - Security Chief Michael Garibaldi (GIF, 48907 bytes)

garibaldi - Garibaldi and Ivanova chatting, from "Midnight" (JPEG, 107136 bytes)

garibaldi2 - Garibaldi, pistol drawn (JPEG, 77292 bytes)

garibaldi3 - Garibaldi, calming a suspect (JPEG, 51038 bytes)

gkar - Narn Ambassador G'Kar (JPEG, 9736 bytes)

gkar2 - (GIF, 32188 bytes)

gkarlick - G'Kar licking his chops (JPEG, 103800 bytes)

gkarship - G'Kar strapped into a fighter cockpit (JPEG, 274296 bytes)

guns-ambass - Garibaldi and Sinclair; the ambassadors, from CD booklet (JPEG, 46710 bytes)

hernandez - Dr. Maya Hernandez, from "Believers" (JPEG, 12581 bytes)

hidoshi - Earth Alliance Senator Hidoshi (JPEG, 13011 bytes)

ivanhelm - Ivanova piloting a Starfury (GIF, 32278 bytes)

ivanova - (JPEG, 47296 bytes)

ivanova1 - Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova (GIF, 47846 bytes)

ivanova2 - Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova (GIF, 37607 bytes)

ivansher - and Sheridan (JPEG, 35749 bytes)

jdoyle - Jerry Doyle as Garibaldi (GIF, 151623 bytes)

keffer - Squad Leader Warren Keffer (JPEG, 18870 bytes)

keffer1 - Squad Leader Warren Keffer (GIF, 50142 bytes)

kosh-del - Ambassadors Kosh and Delenn, season 2 (SPOILER) (JPEG, 303453 bytes)

kosh - Vorlon Ambassador Kosh, in environment suit (GIF, 50116 bytes)

kosh1 - Ambassador Kosh (JPEG, 68404 bytes)

kyle - Dr. Benjamin Kyle (JPEG, 11669 bytes)

lennier - Lennier, Ambassador Delenn's assistant (GIF, 20864 bytes)

lennier1 - Bill Mumy as Lennier (GIF, 69958 bytes)

lond-vir - Londo and Vir at a bar (JPEG, 140529 bytes)

londelvl - Londo, Delenn, Vir, Lennier, season 2 (SPOILER) (GIF, 2638 bytes)

londgkar - Promotional photo of G'Kar and Londo (GIF, 59191 bytes)

londgkr2 - Londo and G'Kar in a corridor (GIF, 65096 bytes)

londo - Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari (JPEG, 15118 bytes)

londo1 - Ambassador Londo Mollari (GIF, 40042 bytes)

londo2 - (JPEG, 105379 bytes)

lonvrgkr - Londo, Vir, and G'Kar (GIF, 69317 bytes)

lyta1 - Telepath Lyta Alexander gets a little surprise (JPEG, 14230 bytes)

lyta2 - Telepath Lyta Alexander (JPEG, 12095 bytes)

marcus - Jason Carter as Marcus Cole (JPEG, 44587 bytes)

marcus1 - Marcus, Ivanova, and Lennier on the White Star (JPEG, 81464 bytes)

morden - Morden, the Shadows' human representative (JPEG, 20362 bytes)

morph1 - (JPEG, 16411 bytes)

morph2 - (JPEG, 26894 bytes)

natoth-2 - Na'Toth, season two, played by Mary Kay Adams (JPEG, 15502 bytes)

natoth - Na'Toth, Ambassador G'Kar's attache, played by Caitlyn Brown (GIF, 26967 bytes)

ngrath-delenn - n'grath and Delenn, from CD booklet (JPEG, 40698 bytes)

ngrath - n'grath, the underworld boss (GIF, 61918 bytes)

old-crew - Cast photo from "The Gathering" (GIF, 147594 bytes)

pakmara - Pakmara delegate to the League of Non-Aligned Worlds (JPEG, 80106 bytes)

s1ambass - G'Kar, Delenn, and Londo (GIF, 56973 bytes)

s1cast - Season one cast (GIF, 48480 bytes)

s1castzo - Season one cast on the Zocalo (GIF, 52759 bytes)

s1commnd - Season one command crew (GIF, 50221 bytes)

s1delenn - Ambassador Delenn, season 1 (GIF, 60788 bytes)

s2ambass - Sheridan and ambassadors keeping the peace, season two (SPOILER) (GIF, 78312 bytes)

s2cast - Season two cast photo (SPOILER!) (JPEG, 58426 bytes)

s2cast2 - Season two cast photo (SPOILER!) (GIF, 211660 bytes)

s2cmdrs - Ivanova and Sheridan (GIF, 46343 bytes)

s2delenn - Ambassador Delenn, season 2 (SPOILER) (GIF, 48913 bytes)

s2eacast - Season-two human characters (GIF, 71833 bytes)

s3cast - Season-three cast (SPOILER for season two) (JPEG, 58034 bytes)

s3cast2 - Some of the season-three cast (SPOILER for season two) (JPEG, 68642 bytes)

s3delenn - Delenn, season 3 (SPOILER) (JPEG, 48138 bytes)

s3franklin - Dr. Franklin, season 3 (JPEG, 31451 bytes)

s3garibaldi - Garibaldi, season 3 (JPEG, 53290 bytes)

s3gkar - G'Kar, season 3 (JPEG, 59793 bytes)

s3ivanova - Commander Ivanova, season 3 (JPEG, 43707 bytes)

s3lennier - Lennier, season 3 (JPEG, 50521 bytes)

s3londo - Londo Mollari, season 3 (JPEG, 60181 bytes)

s3lonvir - Londo and Vir, season 3 (JPEG, 39826 bytes)

s3marcus - Marcus Cole (JPEG, 39972 bytes)

s3sheridan - Captain Sheridan, season 3 (JPEG, 52158 bytes)

s3vir - Vir Cotto, season 3 (JPEG, 57894 bytes)

s3zack - Zack Allen, season 3 (JPEG, 53333 bytes)

sheridan - Captain John Sheridan (GIF, 34267 bytes)

sheridn1 - Bruce Boxleitner as Captain Sheridan (GIF, 43084 bytes)

sheridn2 - Captain John Sheridan (GIF, 75652 bytes)

sheridn3 - Captain John Sheridan (JPEG, 15055 bytes)

shertali - Sheridan and Talia (GIF, 52401 bytes)

shunter - W. Morgan Sheppard as the Soul Hunter (JPEG, 10983 bytes)

sincivan - Sinclair and Ivanova in the central corridor (GIF, 48142 bytes)

sinclair - Commander Jeffrey Sinclair (JPEG, 8890 bytes)

sinclair2 - Commander Sinclair (GIF, 127702 bytes)

sinclair3 - Commander Sinclair (GIF, 39376 bytes)

takashima - Lt. Commander Laurel Takashima (JPEG, 16463 bytes)

tal-best - Talia Winters and Bester (GIF, 214418 bytes)

talia - Talia Winters (GIF, 86023 bytes)

talia2 - Talia Winters (GIF, 39329 bytes)

techmage - Londo and Elric the technomage ("The Geometry of Shadows") (JPEG, 102604 bytes)

vir - Vir Cotto, Ambassador Mollari's aide (GIF, 61797 bytes)

vir2 - Londo's aide, Vir Cotto (GIF, 46645 bytes)

vir3 - Stephen Furst as Vir Cotto (JPEG, 193495 bytes)

vir4 - Vir Cotto (JPEG, 95609 bytes)

zack - Jeff Conaway as Zack Allen (JPEG, 83547 bytes)

zathras - Zathras, from "Babylon Squared" (JPEG, 20282 bytes)

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