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Contents: Where to Write - Scripts - Effects of Fan Input - Fan Clubs

Where to write to show support for Babylon 5

Since syndicated shows are purchased by individual stations, the most important place to write to show your support for B5 is your local TV station. See also the B5 Support Page for information about any ongoing letter-writing campaigns.

To reach Warner Bros., which distributes the show, write to either or both of:

Dick Robertson
Domestic Television Distribution
Warner Bros. Television
4000 Warner Boulevard
Burbank, CA 91522

Robert Daly, Chairman
Warner Brothers, Inc.
4000 Warner Boulevard
Burbank, CA 91522

But remember, Warner Bros. already wants B5 to succeed. It's the local stations that determine whether the show will be made -- if enough of them sign up to buy it, it'll continue to be produced, and if they don't, it won't, no matter how many letters Warner Bros. gets from fans. So please write your local station first if you want to support B5.

To reach JMS or other members of the cast and crew, write to:

J. Michael Straczynski
14431 Ventura Blvd., Suite 260
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423-2606

The "c/o Babylon 5" is very important -- your letter may be discarded in the mailroom if that's not there.

JMS is also reachable online at straczynski@genie.geis.com. Please check the Guide before asking about a particular episode; your question may already be answered. JMS gets a lot of mail, so don't expect a personal reply. Also, if you have a question of general interest, please post it to rec.arts.sf.tv.babylon5 instead of mailing it to JMS; that way everyone can benefit from the answer.

How do I submit a script?

All current stories are developed by JMS, because only he knows where the overall story is going. JMS is looking at spec scripts, selecting writers based on their talent and understanding of the Babylon 5 universe, then giving out assigned stories. Babylon 5 is not accepting outside stories. Scripts not submitted through an agent will be returned unopened, as is standard practice.

What effect have fans had?

The location of Babylon 5 is at Grid Epsilon 470,18,22 which corresponds to the original location of the Babylon 5 topic on GEnie (Page 470, CAT 18, Topic 22). The first mention of a planet's coordinates in "Mind War" were Grid Epsilon 471,18,25 which corresponds to a topic in the Babylon 5 Category on GEnie.

Partially due to fan response from those who saw the pilot movie or clips, some things in the pilot movie were changed before broadcast, and the series has been affected as well:

Fan Clubs

If you know of any clubs not listed here, please send mail to b5-submit@midwinter.com.

This list is organized according to where the fan club is based. Many fan clubs accept international memberships.


The Babylon 5 OZ Fan Club, PO Box 161, Adamstown NSW 2289. AUD$20/year, AUD$35/2 years. (Sanctioned by Network 7.) Contact Aaron Brockbank <shadow@scorch.hna.com.au> for information.

Also, there's The Australian Babylon 5 Fan Club, PO Box 41, West Brunswick, Vic 3055. $10/single, $12/ family per year.

Crossroads / Journey to Babylon. Contact Steffen Maier, Friedenstrasse 11, D-66978 Donsieders, Germany, or E-mail StefMaier1@aol.com. The membership fee is 30 DM/year, more for foreign. Include 2 international reply coupons when writing.

German Babylon 5 Fanclub. Contact Daniela Ricci, Mindenerstr.7, 40227 Düsseldorf, Germany, or E-mail wizart@NetCologne.de. The membership fee is 50 DM a year and includes 4 issues of the club's magazine.

Projekt Babylon, c/o Karsten Ehlers, Zum Erlengrund 6, 13587 Berlin, Germany. E-mail: LadyMorel@aol.com or dbayerl@ukrv.de.

Babylon 5 Italian Fan Club. Contact Massimo Martini, mmartini@italway.it. Membership is L. 20000 domestic, L. 25000 for European members, and L. 30000 for the rest of the world and includes a quarterly fanzine and membership card.

Netherlands The Babylon Project is a Dutch B5 fan club.

The B5 Alliance, c/o Inge Carlen, Vogts gate 10, 0474 Oslo, Norway. Contact ingec@powertech.no or call 22 71 64 25 for more information. The club has a monthly newsletter.

B5 UK Fan Club, unofficial, though sanctioned by JMS. #12.50 per year UK; #22/2 years UK; add 50% overseas, payable to "Questing Beast Ltd." Babylon Five UK Fan Club, PO Box 1147, London W3 7ZT.

The Edinburgh Alliance is a fan club for Scottish viewers.

Garibaldi's Security Squad, approved by Jerry Doyle. Three newsletters a year. £8/year for UK/Europe, £20/year for other countries. Write to Garibaldi's Security Squad, c/o Caroline Griffin, 54 Wimpole Street, London W1M 7DF, England.

Koenig Kontinuum, official UK fan club for Walter Koenig. Four newsletters a year. £8/year for UK members, £12/year foreign. E-mail CAROLEHESLOP@compuserve.com for details.

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Last update: March 19, 2006